A New Thing Is On Its Way

I trust you are off to a wonderful new beginning of 2013. As we look around our world, it is abundantly clear we have a lot of work to do. Things are a mess, aren’t they? We need to do a lot of thinking about how best to move forward. We need to roll up our sleeves to get the job done. I find myself eager to tackle these tasks in the year ahead.

But I trust this also finds you well and hopeful about your own life. Perhaps new perspectives are breaking out for you personally. I know that is certainly true for me. There is a way in which I could not feel more pessimistic about the direction of our world and yet more hopeful about the concrete opportunities available, in my own sphere, to make the world better.

With this post, I present a new look for my blog. I’ve worked hard to make some changes that might present the content more effectively. I hope you enjoy. There will be more changes yet to come, but this is a good start. Most of all, I hope you find the thinking, the reading, and the reflection about our lives and our world helpful as we all try to navigate the turbulent waters ahead.

Blessings to each one of you as you begin this new year. May God bless you in many unexpected ways. Let us keep watch for the new thing God is about to do in 2013.


Thinking About The Year Ahead


Messiah In The Mall