My Books
Sing Us a Song of Joy: Saying what We Believe in an Age of Unbelief . Eugene: Cascade, 2018.
What I write may be the theme of my life. When so many in our pervasively secular society seek to erase anything Christian from our lives—well, that’s when I come out scrapping. Surely there must be something more than what is purely material. For me that something more is found in the mystery of our encounter with the living God. That’s my starting point. That’s where we discover, I contend, fullness, joy, contentment.
But then, how do we talk about such things in our age of severe skepticism? We’ve gone sort of limp, timid, a little embarrassed, a bit vague, defensive about our faith. Well, with the Psalmist from sixth-century BC exile, maybe we find once again our ancient song of joy. That’s what I propose in this new book.
I hope you will find something helpful and meaningful as you find your song of joy. I am so grateful to my publisher Wipf & Stock for their confidence in this book.
Engaging the Culture, Changing the World: The Christian University In A Post-Christian World. Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2011.
My earlier book defines the special purpose of the Christian university for our day. We have a chance, I argue, to make the world a better place for all of God’s children. We do our work, though, in a decidedly secular, postmodern, post-Christian culture that presses against our Christian purpose. That’s the culture we must engage, but as we do, we prepare the way for a bright future ahead for the Christian university.