Welcome to my Blog

My Almost Weekly Blog Post speaks out of my need to grapple with things that matter. It is also an expression of the joy of learning. My love for Holy Scriptures leads the way, but as well you will find poetry and story and history and the great art of the ages. In the words of Jesus, I’m asking this question these days: “What are you looking for?” In a world gone awry, and in personal lives challenged every day, indeed, what am I looking for? We’ll try to give some answers to that question along the way. I hope you will join me.

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

What Happens When the Culture Collapses?

In her weekly Saturday column in The Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan alerted me to an amazing article on the economic crisis in Greece. The article is written by Michael Lewis and appears in Vanity Fair. The discovery of this crisis took place with breathtaking speed …

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

Broken People and the Problem of Community

This is the season for the long evenings in our northern part of the world, and finally we are getting a taste of summer. I decided to go for a walk in downtown Seattle. … Quite a joyous scene, a feeling of genuine community. But I noticed in the midst of it all there were the broken people.

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

Choosing Our Stories Carefully

The late, great Jewish novelist Chaim Potok once said “we live in a world of colliding maps.” We construct our maps of reality out of the bits and scraps of information we have been given by our circumstances of history, culture, training, genetics, family, opportunity, and so on. This is our story.

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

Video: A Message to Friends

Watch this brief video of President Philip W. Eaton. He shares some of his thoughts about responding to our challenging economic times, and what lies ahead as SPU strives to become even more effective and responsive to the needs of our world.

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

One Final Note on Character, Part IV

One Christmas Eve a couple of years ago, as we began a joyous dinner in our home with our whole family, I opened our time with a blessing for our meal. I gave thanks for our family as we gathered together to celebrate the baby Jesus on this sacred evening in the Christian calendar. Read more...

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

On Character and Education Again, Part III

When I was a young faculty member some years ago we often engaged in some fairly intense discussion about the role of the university in the life of the student. Some of the old assumptions needed to be challenged, to be sure. "The Times They Are a-Changin,” the great Bob Dylan reminded us so eloquently during those years. Read more...

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

On Teaching Character, Part II

Last week in the blog I was reflecting on the profound discouragement we all feel as we witness, on an almost daily basis, eruptions of ugly scandalous behavior in our midst. … “Doesn’t it seem to be worse than it used to be?” “And why is it so hard to talk about these things without seeming inappropriately judgmental?” I’d like to think about these kinds of questions again. Read more...

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

My Top Five (Or 10) Book Lists

I have put together a list of My Top Five Books. I have also included a list of My Top 10 Books of Literature. Personal, eclectic, even eccentric as any such list must be these days, nevertheless, these are great books, books that have hugely influenced my life and my thinking about things. I hope you find them helpful. Read more»

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