Welcome to my Blog

My Almost Weekly Blog Post speaks out of my need to grapple with things that matter. It is also an expression of the joy of learning. My love for Holy Scriptures leads the way, but as well you will find poetry and story and history and the great art of the ages. In the words of Jesus, I’m asking this question these days: “What are you looking for?” In a world gone awry, and in personal lives challenged every day, indeed, what am I looking for? We’ll try to give some answers to that question along the way. I hope you will join me.

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Phil Eaton Phil Eaton

Be Always In Good Heart

From my reading in the last week, I was startled into attention by this line from Psalm 22: “May you always be in good heart!” Notice the exclamation mark. This is a big declaration, apparently, of what the Psalmist thinks our lives can be, should be. I’ve been going around repeating this line: “May you always be in good heart!” Is that possible, especially in our day?

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Phil Eaton Phil Eaton

When The Room Lights Up

The other night Sharon and I went to the Tee Pee Tap Room, a restaurant that serves real Mexican food, the kind that teeters out there on the peak of perfection. We call it Phoenix Mex, and we know from living in so many places, it’s distinctive, special—it’s the best. And we’ve got a long history with this tiny restaurant. We used to go there, some fifty years ago, when I was in graduate school. On a student’s budget in those years, the Tee Pee Tap Room was always a big night out. This was just place the place for us. Still is.

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Phil Eaton Phil Eaton

Calm After The Storm

I woke up this morning from another restless night. I am told there’s lots of anxiety out there, growing rapidly, causing a lot of harm. What’s going on? Our grandson Andrew may have summed it up the other night: “I went to a party last night. It was weird. Something’s happened to us, Grandad, something’s changed.” It’s not very clear what has happened, but we know a bunch of stuff is causing a lot of change. It’s just not the same.

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Phil Eaton Phil Eaton

Dreaming About Sushi

I recently learned about Jiro Ono, a Japanese sushi chef, aged ninety-four, who is still “making sushi, better and ever better sushi.” Making sushi has “been his life’s work and sole ambition.” He “still continues to pursue perfection in the preparation and presentation of raw fish. He dreams about sushi, and said that he would like to die making it.”

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Phil Eaton Phil Eaton

Dishes Of Glittering Myths

So many of the people I read or hear from these days talk about longing for what is true. We seem to have lost a handle on anything we might agree on together. As I was watching one of our highest officials last night, I said, a little too loudly: “Just give me the truth. I can handle it. Stop framing these numbers to fit a narrative of your choice.”

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Phil Eaton Phil Eaton

Only One Thing Is Necessary

For those of you who have been following, I’ve been thinking a lot about thresholds. We all cross over our personal thresholds, some small, some big. It seems right now our world is stuck on a prolonged threshold too. Maybe it’s Covid. Whatever it is, I know I’m ready to crossover. I think our world is also ready.

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Phil Eaton Phil Eaton

Where Memory Begins

Sharon and I took a trip this summer from our home in Scottsdale to our family cabin in Oak Creek Canyon. It’s about two hours, through Sedona, then deep into the Canyon to reach our little place. There it rests, year after year, in a cradle of splendor, holding in its clutches so many memories from childhood, for me, my brothers and sister, now for the next generation.

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Phil Eaton Phil Eaton

We’ve Moved. Again.

Sharon and I crossed another threshold in our lives. We’ve moved. Again. Not without pain of leaving, as with every move, but full of excitement and wonderment for what lies ahead in a new place and for a new season.

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

New Flowers In The Desert

I’ve been reflecting on how we begin to rebuild our lives in these times of so much brokenness, so much confusion and chaos and uncertainty. Last week I turned to the majestic voice of Ecclesiastes, who famously announces there is a season for everything, “a time to break down,” for example, “and a time to build up.”

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

Something New Is Coming!

Is there a hint of optimism in the air these days? The Covid numbers seem to be lifting a bit, even as the vaccine portends more relief out ahead. Perhaps things are a little more quiet out there, generally, in any number of ways. I hope so.

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

What Now?

Well, it’s over, or close. We find ourselves either elated or discouraged, or just flatout exhausted. The real question for me is what now? As a nation sailing through all this turbulence; as individuals struggling to regain some balance; as institutions and businesses, schools and churches, valiantly seeking to step out from under the Covid cloud—where do we go from here? I find myself yearning as well to step away from all the hatred we’ve spread around.

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

Watch For The Lightning

The last post I wrote came from a deeply disturbed heart. As I look around our world, I am discouraged. Many people are discouraged. I fear for the future of my country. I am distrustful that an election will bring much resolve. I told Sharon I think that post was the gloomiest thing I have ever written. I am sorry. That’s not usually the way I sort through things.

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

Do We Have What It Takes?

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, in 2004, shortly before becoming Pope Benedict XVI, gave an address about the alarming decline of Europe. To our dismay, he notes, “here in the West, there is a strange form of self-hate we can only consider pathological.” The West “no longer loves itself. All it sees in its own history is what is disgraceful and destructive, while it no longer seems able to perceive what is great and pure. In order to survive, Europe needs a new, critical and humble acceptance of itself."

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

To Fly Once Again

We feel an intense need to be rescued these days. We look around for who might help us out of our predicament? The experts? The politicians? The church? What are the most appropriate resources to which we should turn, for guidance, for hope? We want to fly free from the oppressive clouds of uncertainty that have settled over the land, fly up out of this dingy air, up where we can get a new view of the broad landscape. When will this thing be over, where are we headed, as individuals, as a nation? It seems we’re battling an enemy we can’t even get our heads around, let alone our hands, a coalescence of baffling forces we don’t understand. Nothing is lining up according to our wishes.

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

Consider The Sunflowers

As I try to write these days, the world’s fury almost stuns me into silence. What more could I possibly add, I ask myself, to counter the anxiety, the fear? What could I say to blunt the rage and the hatred, to relieve the dullness, the boredom? My voice feels smaller than it has ever felt, profoundly inadequate, too often a little shrill, unhelpful, self-questioning. We are all anxious. What could I possibly add that might be helpful?

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

Decide We Must

I am becoming more aware how overwhelmingly negative our world has become. There is a lot going on out there, that’s for sure, but my biggest fear is that all the negative has seeped deeply into our hearts and minds as well. We can feel overwhelmed to do anything about what’s happening. I fear we just may tip over that tipping point as a society, never to return. The negative has a way of corroding and corrupting and ultimately paralyzing us from making things better. This is scary. I’ve never been there before.

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

Say Something Good

I have a plan. You might be interested in it too. My plan is basically this: When I use words, which is quite often for me, I want to try harder to say something good. I want to refocus my attention less on the negative, which is so pervasive, less on whatever it is that fuels so much anger and hatred among us. I want to try to think and speak in a new accent of goodness. I want to check myself with the question: Does what I am saying contribute to what is good?

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

A Place Of Quiet Rest

Augustine memorably opens his fourth-century masterpiece, Confessions, with these now-famous lines: “You have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” I have thought a lot about these words. I confess, I am often restless. I know the feeling. And I also confess I do not always claim the promise of rest on the other side of restlessness. I badly want this rest, this promise of peace and joy and contentment that comes with rest.

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

Beyond The Cloud

One of the great books on prayer ever written, The Cloud Of Unknowing, comes to us from fourteenth century England, written by an anonymous author, a name still unknown by scholars. The author is apparently a monk, perhaps an abbot of a monastery, most certainly a teacher of his flock, who wants to lay out a practical guide for how to begin and sustain what he calls “the work of contemplation,” the daily practice of prayer. He imagines his counsel is for everyone, not just monastics.

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Blog Posts Phil Eaton Blog Posts Phil Eaton

The Jury's Still Out

In our last Seattle home, Sharon and I lived downtown, on 2nd Avenue, between Pike and Pine, one block up from the deservedly famous Pike Place Market. I loved this home, this place, this city. A quick walk landed us at the door of The Market, The Art Museum, Benaroya Hall, scores of fabulous restaurants.

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